Is a Wi-Fi Connected Smart Thermostat Worth It? Definitely!!! Here’s Why…

WIlburrr Mascot - Alaskan AC

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A Wi-Fi thermostat connects to a home’s wireless network for optional control of the HVAC from a smart device such as your smartphone, tablet or computer. Homeowners can then use an app on their smartphones and tablets to check and adjust the temperature in their homes—whether home or not.

Wi-Fi thermostats also offer more energy savings, as some program themselves for eco-savings based on occupancy patterns of the homeowner. Not there during business hours? A smart thermostat knows this and will put itself on eco mode. Wi-Fi thermostats program themselves…and quickly pay for themselves!

Wi-Fi thermostats only cost about $25-50 more than a programmable one, but offers so many more benefits:

  • Utility savings—no wasted energy
  • Maintenance reminders
  • Away-from-home control
  • Monthly energy reports
  • Lengthens life of HVAC system because it doesn’t run when it doesn’t need to
  • Add devices, like smart lighting, water leak detector, smart cams, CO/smoke detection and more, and control from same App. Create your ideal smart home!!!

Some Wi-Fi thermostats can even trigger the blower fan to come on and clean the air, should too many dust particles and allergens be floating in the air.

Also available for ductless mini-splits.

To convert to a smart stat and gain greater controls and savings, give Alaskan Air Conditioning a call today!
