Indoor Air Quality Solutions for Allergy Sufferers

WIlburrr Mascot - Alaskan AC
Allergies Brought on by Monsoons

Itchy eyes, sneezing, runny nose, post nasal drip, hard time breathing…they’re all symptoms of severe allergies. “I take so many allergy meds because I always am sneezing, have a sore throat, and feel fatigued, too,” said one of our new customers when we discussed her desires for a new heat pump. “When my allergies are at their worst,” said our customer, “I am totally out for a day or two. It’s starting to affect my daily life. I just want it to end!” she said.

Poor indoor air quality is torture for the allergy sufferer. With a new heat pump installation, Alaskan Air Conditioning can also provide clean air add-ons that minimize the pollutants that most trigger allergy sufferers.

With so many options, ask your Alaskan Air Conditioning pro what would be best for you, your family and your home. To see what is available for better IAQ, visit