Different Heating Systems to Help You Make Your Best Replacement Choice

WIlburrr Mascot - Alaskan AC

It’s been cold and wet this winter in Phoenix and Tucson, that’s for sure. And, your heating system is sure to be working overtime. You may be in the market for a new and effective one. This choice can be confusing for some.

Having a dependable heating system is something you’ll want to install. But, with all of the options available, what is the best heating system for your home? Alaskan Air Conditioning and Heating can help answer that question. Read on.

There are several types of heating systems that work best in our area of Arizona. We explain your best options here:


Because our temperatures don’t drop too low in the winter (in Tucson and Phoenix areas), heat pumps are a best choice for heating the homes here. Heat pumps provide both heating and air conditioning from a single unit. And, they are a good choice because they cost far less to operate as conventional furnaces (read what a furnace is below). Energy Star reports that homeowners will save up to 30% off their heating bills each year with a heat pump compared to a conventional gas furnace.

A heat pump is controlled by a thermostat to heat your home. It will direct  the system to begin providing heated air through the vents. A fan switches on and circulates this warm air through your home.


Some homeowners choose a furnace because they are replacing one that is already installed and is no longer efficient or operating properly. A furnace is a main components of a conventional (heating, ventilating and air conditioning) HVAC system. Furnace operation is much like a heat pump, explained above.

Which type of furnace is most appropriate for your home depends on whether or not you have natural gas heating or electric.

  • Natural gas furnaces are highly economical. Natural gas is also the most popular way that Americans heat their homes with a furnace. In our region of Arizona, only about a quarter of the homes are heated by a furnace. Heat pumps are the more popular choice because we do not have to depend on heating for too many months.
  • Electric furnaces are a less expensive investment with a new conventional HVAC system installation, but, with the cost of electricity much higher than gas, you’ll pay for the difference with your monthly energy bill.


Ductless mini-split systems make good retrofit add-ons to houses with “non-ducted” heating systems. They can also be a good choice for room additions where extending or installing new ductwork is not possible. Finally, mini-splits are a perfect heating system for small spaces.

Like standard air-source heat pumps, mini splits have two main components: an outdoor compressor/condenser and an indoor air-handling unit. A conduit, which houses the power cable, refrigerant tubing, suction tubing, and a condensate drain, links the outdoor and indoor units. No new ductwork is required for the distribution of air. Warm or cooled, comfortable air flows from the unit into your living space.

Your new heating system  must be properly sized to be efficient and comfortable. Oversized, undersized, or incorrectly located heating systems can result in short cycling, waste energy or be effective in providing desired comfort, proper indoor temperatures or control humidity/dehumification. Most importantly, or bad heating system choice or an improperly installed system is expensive to buy and operate.

For a free new heating system estimate, call the professionals at Alaskan Air Conditioning and Heating. We help you make the best choice for heating your home this winter…and many more to come!